Online International Conference of COVID-19 (CONCOVID)
June 12-13-14, 2020

Distinguished Researchers,
We are honored to invite you to the world’s first online INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COVID-19 which will be organised over SKYPE presentations on June 12-13-14, 2020 in Istanbul/TURKIYE. As an interdiciplinary Conference, CONCOVID provides researchers with the opportunity to present, share and discuss improvements and alternative solutions to the global pandemic Covid-19. In this context, we are welcome research papers from different diciplines such as medicine, education, economy, marketing, international relations, and social affairs.
- Presentations will be held over Skype presentation.
- The evaluation process for the acceptance of the papers will be completed within 3 days.
- The language of the CONCOVID Conference will be Turkish and English
Under the auspices of our highly respected President of Turkey
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Dr. Şuayip Birinci
Deputy Minister of Health
Prof. Dr. Nigar Demircan Çakar
Düzce Univ. (Rector)
Prof. Dr. Suleyman Özdemir
Bandırma Univ. (Rector)
Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ak
Istanbul Univ. (Rector)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hanifi Aslan
Hasan Kalyoncu Univ. (Rector)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hakkı Alma
Iğdır Univ. (Rector)
Prof. Dr. Arif Karademir
Bursa Teknik Univ. (Rector)
Dr. Hasan Arslan
Ministry of Health, General Manager of State Hospitals
Prof. Dr. Obiyathulla Ismat Bacha
Dr. Stefano Siviero
Bank of Italy
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz
Beijing Institute of Technology
Prof. Dr. Gary Campbell
Michigan Technological Univ.
Prof. Dr. Berrin Tansel
Florida International Univ.
Prof. Dr. Nabil Maghrebi
Wakayama Univ. (Dean)
Prof. Dr. Tolga Omay
Atılım Univ.
Prof. Dr. Tevfik Özlü
Karadeniz Technical Univ.
(Member of Scientific Board)
Dr. Kazi Sohag
Ural Federal Univ.
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aykaç
Marmara Univ.
Dr. Rabia İlhan
İbn Haldun Univ.
Prof. Dr. Taşkın Duman
Mustafa Kemal Univ.
Dr. Mehmet Rıza Derindağ
The Council of Higher Education
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilcan Kotan Dündar
Sakarya Univ.
Dr. İbrahim Ersoy
Health Communication Assosiation
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Füsun Mayda Domaç
University of Health Sciences
Prof. Dr. Kadriye Kart Yaşar
University of Health Sciences
(Member of Scientific Board)
Prof. Dr. Birol Akgün
Yıldırım Beyazıt Univ.
Turkish Maarif Foundation
İhsan Aktaş
Prof.Dr.Modjtaba Sadria
Institution for Empowerment and Cultural Dynamism
Prof. Dr. Refik Korkusuz
9 Eylul Univ. (Dean)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Osman Özgür Yalın
Istanbul Training and Research Hospt.
Prof. Dr. Halil Öztürk
Sakarya Univ.
Sefa Üstün
Emin Grup/Eminevim
Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
You can apply to the CONCOVID Conference by uploading your abstracts to the system. Due date for abstract submission is June 8, 2020.
- Abstracts should be at least 100 words and should not exceed 300 words.
- The application must include the Title, Abstract, Key Words and JEL Codes.
- All authors’ titles, institutional names, e-mail addresses, faculty and department information must be written completely.
- The participant can follow the process on the web site after he/she finishes the application.
- The author who will present the paper will be responsible for the application process. The organization committee will contact with the corrensponding author and all of the process will be followed with him/her.
- The submitted papers will be evaluated within 3 days.
- In all steps of your application Please kindly check your SPAM box (Junk/Unnecessary mail) in case the email can be sent to SPAM box.
- Full texts should be prepared in accordance with our Template File.
- Full papers should be between 3000 and 5000 words in length including title, abstract, and references.
- The participant can download CONCOVID Template File and CONCOVID Registration Form from this links and also from the Documents tab located at our Registration and Submission System .
- Abstract Submission Deadline: June 8, 2020
- Full Text Submission Deadline: June 10, 2020
- Registration Deadline: June 8, 2020
- Full papers should be between 3000 and 5000 words in length including title, abstract, and references.
- Full text submission is optional. The researchers may participate in the CONCOVID Conference just with abstract paper.
- Abstract papers will be published in the Abstract Book.
- Effect of COVID-19 on Health
- Effects on Health Policies
- Impacts on Health Expenditures
- Public Health
- Effects on Hospital Management
- Health Transformation
- Violance in Health Sector
- Fighting with COVID-19 and New Improvements
- Alternative Health Infrastructures
- Health Insurance
- Effects on Private Health Insurance
- Effects on Public Health Insurance
- Economic and Social Effects of COVID-19
- Impacts on Investment
- Effects on Consumption
- Impact on Financial System and Financial Institutions
- Impacts on International Trade
- Effects on Monetary and Fiscal Policies
- Impacts on Sectors
- Impacts on Tourism Sector
- Impacts on Industrial Sector
- Impacts on Agricultural Sector
- Impacts on Information Technology and Communication Sector
- Impacts on Aviation Sector
- Impacts on Manufacturing Sector
- Impacts on Retail Industry
- Impacts on Insurance Sector
- Impact on Working Life
- Impacts on Labor Supply and Employment
- COVID-19 and Unemployment Insurance
- Effects on Social Policies
- Effects on Poverty
- COVID-19 and Islamic Finance
- COVID-19 and Islamic Economy
- Effects of COVID-19 on Economics and Finance
- Effects on International Trade
- Effects on Defence Industry and Military Expenditures
- Effects on Business Economics and Business Administration
- Effects on Management and Organization
- Effects on Production Management and Marketing
- Effects on Business Finance
- Sociological Effects
- Sociopolitical Effects
- History of Infectious Diseases
- Effects of COVID-19 on International Relations
- New World Order After COVID-19
- Effects of COVID-19 on Nation States and Statism
- Effects of COVID-19 on International Institutions
- Effects of COVID-19 on Migration
- Effects of COVID-19 on Regional Collaborations
- Effects of COVID-19 on European Union
- Effects of COVID-19 on the Global Peace
- Effects of COVID-19 on Social State
- Alternative Mechanism/Approaches for Fighting with the Global Disasters
- Effects of COVID-19 on Education
- Effects on preschool education
- Effects on primary-secondary-high school education
- Effects on university education
- Effects on academic life
- Effects of COVID-19 on Energy and Environment
- Effects on Energy Prices
- Effects on Environment
- Effects on Energy Policies and Energy Collaborations
- Effects on Environment Degradation
- Effects on CO2 emissions
- Effects of COVID-19 on Political Sciences and Public Administration
- Effects on Urbanization and Urban Transformation
- Effects on Public Administration
- Effects on Local Administration
- The Role of Communication in Corona Virus Crisis Management
- Responsiblity of Media
- Responsiblity of Social Media
- Coronovirus News and Communication Ethics
- Fake News, Horrifying News, Manipulation and Corona Virus
- Role of Communication in Preventing Social Panic
- Personal Izolation and Communication
- The Role of Communication in Psychological Support
- COVID-19 and Teology
- Effects of COVID-19 with Religious Sociology Perspective
- Effects of COVID-19 with Religious Pychology Perspective
- Effects of COVID-19 with Religious Ethics Perspective
All abstracts will be published electronically in the CONCOVID Abstracts Book with the ISBN number as PDF. In addition, all full-text papers will be published electronically in the CONCOVID Proceedings Book with the ISBN number as PDF.
The other publication opportunities will be announced soon.
- “Frontiers, Special Issue: “Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19): The Impact on Psychology of Sustainability, Sustainable Development, and Global Economy” SSCI Special Issue, Q1
- “Resources Policy”: SSCI Regular Issue, Q1
- World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development Special Issue: “The Global Economy, The Tourism Sector and Sustainable Development”, SCOPUS
- JOEEP:Journal of Emerging Economies and Policy (INDEX COPERNICUS, DRJI, SOBİAD, Türk Eğitim İndeksi, ROOTINDEXING, CEENDX, Google Scholar, ESJI)
- SOSBİLDER: Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciences – Special Issue: COVID-19 with Economic, Social, and Political Dimensions) (ULAKBİM, DOAJ, EBSCO, DRJI, ASOS, INDEX COPERNICUS, ISAM)
- Duzce Medical Journal: (DOAJ, EBSCO, INDEX COPERNICUS, SCOPUS, TR Dizin)
Special Issue on: “Health Care and Health Management in Pre and Post Pandemic Period”
Special Issue on: “Global Imbalances, Economic and Social Changes, and Health Management in Pre and Post Pandemic Period” - Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi
- Prof. Dr. Nigar Demircan Çakar (Düzce University, Rector)
- Prof. Dr. Süleyman Özdemir (Bandırma 17 Eylül University, Rector)
- Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hakkı Alma (Iğdır University, Rector)
- Prof. Dr. Arif Karademir (Bursa Technical University, Rector)
- Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ak (Istanbul University, Rector)
- Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hanifi Aslan (Hasan Kalyoncu University, Rector)
- Prof. Dr. Bayram Sade (Karatay University, Rector)
- Mr. Cemil Yaman (AK Party, Parliament)
- Dr. Songül Kalyoncu (Hasan Kalyoncu University, Chairman of Board of Trustees)
- Seyfettin Erdoğan, İstanbul Medeniyet University
- Ayfer Gedikli, İstanbul Medeniyet University
- Rui Alexandre Castanho, WSB University, Poland
- Muhammad Shahbaz, China Institute of Technology
- Dilcan Kotan, Sakarya University
- Canan Eren, Marmara University, Pendik Training and Research Hospt.
- Tahir Şevval Eren, İstanbul Medeniyet University
- Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha, INCEIF
- Stefano Siviero, Bank of Italy
- Muhammad Ali Nasir, Leeds Beckett University, UK
- Durmuş Çağrı Yıldırım, Namık Kemal University
- Emrah İsmail Çevik, Namık Kemal University
- Seda Yıldırım, Namık Kemal University
- Ayla Yava, Hasan Kalyoncu University
- Kezban Bayramlar, Hasan Kalyoncu University
- Sema Yılmaz Genç, Kocaeli University
- Ana Castelo, University of Évora, Portugal
- Banu Ergen, Istanbul Medeniyet University
- Fatma Aysun Bozkurt
- Cihan Yavuz Taş
- Hande Çalışkan
- Fatma Erdoğan
- Abbas Mirakhor, The Global University of Islamic Finance, INCEIF
- Abdülmecit Türüt, İstanbul Medeniyet University
- Adem Esen, İstanbul University
- Adem Korkmaz, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (Rector)
- Ahmet Nohutçu, İstanbul Medeniyet University
- Ahmet Şatır, Condordia University
- Ahmet Tabakoğlu, Marmara University
- Ahmet Zeki Ünal, Bursa Technical University
- Ali Çelikkaya Eskisehir, Osmangazi University
- Ali Kutan, Southern Illinois University
- Alpaslan Açıkgenç,Yıldız Technical University
- Ana Castelo, University of Évora, Portugal
- Ana Paula Mussi Szabo Cherobim, Federal University of Parana, Brazil
- Ana Vulevic, CIP,Belgrade, Serbia
- Andrzej Bistyga, Katowice School of Economics, Poland
- Angelina Valenzuela Rendón, Universidad de Monterrey, Spain
- Anil Kumar Bera, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
- Arif Karademir, Bursa Technical University (Rector)
- Arif Sarı, Girne Amerikan University
- Ayfer Gedikli, İstanbul Medeniyet University
- Ayhan Orhan, Kocaeli University
- Ayla Erdoğan, Pendik Research and Application Hospital
- Ayla Yava, Hasan Kalyoncu University
- Aysun Fıçıcı, Southern New Hampshirw University,USA
- Ayşe Buğra, Boğaziçi University
- Bayram Sade, Karatay University (Rector)
- Bayram Yalçın, ESAM
- Berrin Tansel, Water Env. Fed., Env. and Water Resources Inst. of ASCE, USA
- Bilal Karabulut, Gazi University
- Buerhan Saiti, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University
- Burcu Hızal Çelikay, Sakarya University Research and Application Hospital
- Burcu Özcan, Fırat University
- Bülend Aydın Ertekin, Anadolu University
- Bülent Aybar, Southern New Hampshire University,USA
- Bülent Güloğlu, İstanbul Technical University
- Canan Eren, Marmara University, Pendik Training Research Hospital
- Carlos Pinto Gomes, University of Évora, Portugal
- Daniel Balsalobre Lorente, University of Castilla,La Mancha, Spain
- Daniel Meyer, North,West University, South Africa
- David Weir, Northumbria University / Cambridge Scholars
- Dilcan Kotan, Sakarya University
- Doğan Uysal, Celal Bayar University
- Durmuş Çağrı Yıldırım, Namık Kemal University
- Emrah İsmail Çevik, Namık Kemal University
- Ensar Nişancı, Namık Kemal University
- Erdal Tanas Karagöl ,Yıldırım Beyazıd University
- Fabrício Pelloso Piurcosky, University of Minas Geral Sul, UNISMG, Brazil
- Fırat Purtaş, Gazi University
- Filiz Gölpek, Hasan Kalyoncu University
- Füsun Mayda Domaç, University of Health Sciences
- Gary Champbell, MIT, USA
- George Filis, Bournemouth University, İngiltere
- Gualter Couto, University of Azores
- Gül Rengin Küçükerdoğan, Hasan Kalyoncu University
- Hakan Sarıbaş, Zonguldak University
- Haktan Sevinç , Iğdır University
- Halil Altıntaş, Erciyes University
- Haluk Alkan, İstanbul University (Vice Rector)
- Hamdi Döndüren, KTO Karatay University
- Hamza Ateş, İstanbul Medeniyet University
- Hasan Selçuk Selek, TUBITAK
- Hasan Vergil, İstanbul University
- Hatice Neşe Erim, İstanbul Medeniyet University
- Hüseyin Ergun, Karatay University
- Idris Demir, Ankara Social Sciences University
- İbrahim Güran Yumuşak, Sabahattin Zaim University (Dean)
- İlhan Eroğlu, Gaziosmanpaşa University
- İlhan Öztürk, Çağ University
- İskender Gümüş, Kırklareli University
- Jacinto Garrido,Valverde, University of Extremadura, Spain
- Pierre Allegret Jean, Paris Ouest Nanterre, France
- José Cabezas, University of Extremadura, Spain
- José Manuel Jurado,Almonte, University of Huelva, Spain
- José Manuel Naranjo Gómez, University of Extremadura, Spain
- José Martín Gallardo, University of Extremadura, Spain
- Julián Mora Aliseda, University of Extremadura, Spain
- Kahraman Çatı, Düzce University
- Kazi Sohag, Ural Federal University, Russia
- Kenan Aydın, Yıldız Technical University (Dean)
- Kerem Alkin, Medipol University
- Kezban Bayramlar, Hasan Kalyoncu University
- Latife Özaydın, Hasan Kalyoncu University
- Levent Sütçügil, Hasan Kalyoncu University
- Luciana Cordeiro de Sousa Fernandez, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil
- Luis Fernández, Pozo, University of Extremadura, Spain
- Luís Loures, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre (IPP) University of Algarve, Portugal
- Mahmut Ak, Istanbul University (Rector)
- Mahmut Bilen, Sakarya University
- Mehmet Akif Öncü, Düzce University (Vice Rector)
- Mehmet Duman, İstanbul University
- Mehmet Hanifi Aslan, Hasan Kalyoncu University (Rector)
- Mehmet Hakkı Alma, Iğdır University (Rector)
- Mehmet Naci Efe, Beyket University
- Mehmet Yüce, Uludağ University
- Meriç Subaşı Ertekin, Anadolu University
- Mohamed Eskandar Shah Mohd Rasid, INCEIF (Dean)
- Muhammad Ali Nasir, Leeds Beckett University, UK
- Muhammad Shahbaz,China Institute of Technology
- Muhammad Yusuf Saleem, Afghanistan Central Bank
- Muhsin Kar, Ömer Halisdemir University (Rector)
- Murat Akkaya, Girne Amerikan University
- Murat Çizakça, Marmara University
- Murat Yülek, OSTIM University (Rector)
- Mustafa Aykaç, Marmara University
- Mustafa Ulu, Erciyes University
- Nabil Maghrebi , Wakayama University, Japan (Dean)
- Natanya Meyer, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
- Nazıf Mohib Shahrani, Indiana University, USA
- Necmettin Kızılkaya, Istanbul University
- Nicholas Apergis, University of Piraeus, Greece
- Nigar Demircan Çakar, Düzce University (Rector)
- Oana Madalina Driha, University of Alicante, İspanya
- Obiyathulla Ismat Bacha, The Global University of Islamic Finance, INCEIF
- Özlem Durgun, İstanbul University
- Pedro Pimentel, University of Azores
- Rabia İlhan, İbni Haldun University
- Ramazan Sarı,Middle East Technical University
- Recep Ulucak, Erciyes University
- Refik Korkusuz,9 Eylul University (Dean)
- Rodrigo Franklin Frogeri, University of Minas Geral Sul, UNISMG, Brazil
- Rossana Santos, University of Madeira
- Rui Alexandre, Castanho WSB University Poland & University of Madeira Portugal
- Ruslan Nagarev, Sabahattin Zaim University
- Sayım Yorgun, Istanbul University (Dean)
- Selahattin Dibooglu, University of Sharjah, UAE
- Selim Erdoğan, Gaziantep University
- Sema Yılmaz Genç, Kocaeli University
- Sérgio Lousada, University of Madeira, Portugal
- Seyfettin Arslan, Dicle University
- Seyfettin Erdoğan, İstanbul Medeniyet University
- Shawkat Hammoudeh, Drexel University, USA
- Stefano Siviero, Bank of Italy, Italy
- Süleyman Özdemir – Bandirma Onyedi Eylul Universitesi (Rector)
- Tahir Şevval Eren, Istanbul Medeniyet University
- Tariqullah Khan , Hamad Bin Khalifah University Doha, Qatar
- Taşkın Duman, Mustafa Kemal University
- Tiago Borba, University of Porto, Portugal
- Tolga Omay, Atılım University
- Uğur Soytaş, Middle East Technical University
- Veysel Bozkurt, Istanbul University
- Yakup Bulut, Gaziantep University
- Yasemin Beyhan, Hasan Kalyoncu University
CONCOVID Contact Information |
For Call | +90850 885 3732 (Between 10:00AM – 05:00PM with local TR time) |
Please click here for WhatsApp | +90850 885 37 32 |
Contact e-mail | info@concovid.org |